Saturday 30 April 2011

Day 1 - Vancouver Airport

The journey has begun! The flight into Vancouver went smoothly, and the Shantou 2011 Study Abroad group is currently camped out at Gate 54 in the International Departures area of Vancouver International Airport, awaiting our 13-hour flight to Hong Kong. People seem to be pretty tired in general - some just finished their last exams or presentations yesterday, so it's understandable. I imagine some of us will be taking advantage of the opportunity to nap on the flight, although some are getting a head-start...
Vien testing the bench seats at Gate 54 - he seems to approve
 The group arrived here in two waves, so I haven't seen everyone yet. Some have wandered off to get food while the rest of us hold down the fort at the gate.

Fauve, Bruce, and Rachel chilling at the gate.
Parth keeping it real.
I'm actually quite impressed with this section of the Vancouver airport - I've never departed internationally in this direction, so it's fun to check out a new portion of the building. I quite like the look of the space.

The food court has water features
They also have fish!
I'm quite liking the curved beams - who says steel isn't pretty?
Also, the light fixtures are funky.
I'm being called up for boarding now, so should probably pack up my computer. Next stop: Hong Kong!

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