Wednesday 4 May 2011

Fwd: Day 5 - The return of the blog?

So, it turns out that the Great Firewall of China also blocks Blogspot - who would have guessed? Apparently I didn't research this properly at all before I left, but I seem to have found an acceptable workaround. I'm posting from email now, as I only have brief windows of time where I can access my blog unless I pay a subscription, so it may take a few tries to get all of my formatting the way I want it. Please bear with me. Also, now that I'm done travelling, I'll be referring to things in Shantou time for simplicity, which is 14h ahead of Calgary time - I'll leave the time zone conversion as an exercise for the reader.
The last few days have been pretty busy. We arrived in Shantou on Monday at about noon, and were met by a few of our classmates from Shantou. We went out for a nice lunch at a restaurant in town, then headed to the university to get settled into our dorm rooms. Once we'd unpacked a bit, we toured the campus to get our bearings - I still don't know where everything is, but I'm gradually figuring that out. Our residence backs onto a mountain covered in rainforest, and the entire campus is just as gorgeous, so getting a bit lost once in a while isn't the worst thing in the world. I'll do my best to communicate that through photos in the next few days. Here's one for starters...
Is that... Isengard on the mountain?
Yesterday, we went out into town on a shopping trip. I got a new camera that I'm thrilled with while I was there - I'll try to get up as many pictures as I can. We started up classes today - we'll be brainstorming ideas for our renewable energy consumer products tomorrow morning, and we started constructing photovoltaic cells from copper and CD cases this afternoon. It will only get busier from here, but it should be a lot of fun.

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